2020 Student Essay Competition
Kiley Malloy, a graduating senior at Council Rocks High School South is the winner of the 2020 Alliance Française Doylestown Essay Competition. Malloy was awarded $1,000 in recognition of her efforts. Malloy, a student of French teacher Elisabeth Kohl, was recognized for her accomplishment by the French Consul of Philadelphia and by the National Federation of Alliances Françaises. She was also the first place winner of the 2019 Alliance Française of Doylestown & Bucks County essay contest.
Vanessa May Pello, a student at Palisades High School, Allison Savio, a student at Central Bucks High School East and Isabella Swartz, a student at Central Bucks High School South were recognized with honorable mentions. All of theses students are planning to study French in college upon graduation.
High school students from across Bucks County public and private schools (as well as home schooled students) were invited to participate in the French composition contest by writing an essay ending a popular fairytale for the 21st century. Essays were judged on creativity, persuasiveness and original thought. Students were expected to express their ideas in a cohesive, well-organized and interesting sequence. In addition, judges looked for the use of complex French sentences and mastery of agreement, tense, article and prepositions. Malloy’s essay retold the fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin with a contemporary twist. Judges were particularly impressed with Malloy’s prose and language proficiency.
The 2021 Alliance Française of Doylestown Essay Competition topic will be announced in October, 2020. Essay topic and guidelines will be sent to all area French teachers, foreign language department chairs and guidance counselors. French teachers are encouraged to incorporate the essay contest in their writing assignments and syllabus.