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           Table Ronde & Special Event Calendar
                     2024/2025 Theme:
             La francophonie hors de la France

           In case of inclement weather, we will hold our session via                  Zoom. Please check here for weather notices & advisories!

September 11- Quels pays francophones (hors de la France) avez-vous visites? Which French-speaking countries (outside of France) have you visited?

September 25 - Choisissez un poème, un paragraphe littéraire, une chanson ou un aliment de Louisiane ou d'Acadie et discutez de sa signification et de la raison pour laquelle vous l'avez choisi. Pick a poem, a literary paragraph, a song  or a food from Louisiana or Acadia and discuss its significance and why you selected it.

October 9 -La francophonie au Canada, presentation by Janet McIntosh and Louise Yorke, followed by discussion questions

October 23- Connaissez-vous l'Akaroa? presentation by Emily Golden, followed by discussion questions.

November 6 - TBD

November 20 - Paris Lost and Found by Scott Carpenter via Zoom. Details to follow.

December 4- Connaissez-vous Burkina Faso? Presentation by Lois Heist, followed by discussion questions.

December 8- Holiday Fete, details to follow.

December 18 Noel dans la francophonie. 

January 8-La Francophonie en Belgique. Presentation by David Goldman, followed by discussion questions.

January 22 -  Camus et l'Algerie, presentation by Lynn Levin, followed by discussion questions.

February 5La francophonie en Haiti. Presentation by Turnier Esperance, followed by discussion questions.

February 19 - TBD

March 5 - Les bistros de Paris by Gary Kraut, followed by discussion. 

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