What We Do

Table Ronde - Ici on parle français!

Social Events

Special Events
We meet twice a month for our morning and evening Table Ronde sessions. This is the perfect opportunity to practice French in a lively, fun and welcoming environment. Each Table Ronde features a topic announced in advance. Weds. morning Table Ronde sessions meet from 9:45am -11:30am at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 301 N Main St, Doylestown, PA. Our Weds. evening Table Ronde meets at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 84 E Oakland Ave, Doylestown, PA from 7:30pm - 9:00pm. Check calendar for details or contact us.
We host French-themed social events throughout the year. Popular events include La Rentrée (our Fall kickoff party), December Holiday Fête, Anniversary Fête and Fête du 14 juillet. Check our upcoming events page and our events calendar for details.
Join us for our French-themed special events. Events include guest presentations, museum visits, French Immersion Day, French movie nights and more. Check our upcoming events page and our events calendar for details.